Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Style lovers amongst us know what it's like in the fashion world, it's a tough world to survive in! Seasons come and go and fashion week arrives with haste. At the end of each season designers get ready for orders and it's our independent boutiques who pick up on the unique designs that make London Fashion Week and the worldwide fashion calendar so special... 
We celebrate the many stores and tastemakers who cherry pick designers with Fashiion Independents' Day #FIDAY an awareness day where fashion commentators and bloggers run around London visiting stores and posting their experience on social media. The person with the most votes wins. In conjunction with Frock Advisor it's a fun way to explore the diversity on fashion scene from the catwalk to the street. So come and join us on Thursday 28th May either online or in person and support independent fashion boutiques.
Go to... http://frockadvisor.com for more information. 

Friday, 8 May 2015

Step back in time... Personal appearance at The Proud Archivist Wednesday 27th May

Some you might know I've been collecting my thoughts and experiences for a while now. Come and join me for a reading and Q&A later this month...