Monday, 26 July 2010

Tuesday, 20 July 2010


Grace Jones sported a different Philip Treacy hat for every song she sung, highlights included hoola hooping for an entire song, a lazer beam bouncing off a silver sparkle bowler and belting out all the songs we love her for!
Over in the Downlow building A Man To Pet does an Amanda Lear number...
Felicity Hayward who helped with the running order of Noki's mainstage fashion show.
La Gateaux Chocolate getting ready...

An outfit from Noki's show...
Peaches who has a broken leg being interviewed backstage. Wheelchair 2010's Bette Midler!
In the Bear Your Soul VIP bar Ronnie King Duets with Paloma Faith!
Ronnie King and The Hustlers...
Peaches arrived on stage in a wheelchair pushed by a beautiful she-mail...
She still managed to do song high kicks!
Jonny Woo sported an array out outfits, this one by Lee Benjamin - Amaze!
Jonny Woo ethic bondage look!
Downlow... Scottee peers out...
Shows all day at the Downlow...
Ryan Styles backstage, unfortunatly didn't get to perform, cut due to adverts! But I've seen this show and if you get the chance go see!
Inbetween bands Woo and co performed...
Richardette on stage pressing buttons!
Russella... sings her song Too Fabulous!
Ma Butcher surrounded by her troupe with an interpretation of Kylies 'All The Lovers'!
This was at 1pm, crowds are coming as Jonny Woo starts up the review!
Here she comes!
Backstage midday... getting ready, Ma butcher and Jeanette.
La Peque getting ready for the Salvation's stage!
Jonny Woo and James Ballie who programed the event...

Monday, 19 July 2010


Quick visit down to The Slimelight aka Slimes the other weekend, Jonny Sluts Batcave based band Specimen are enjoying a revival right now...

Saturday, 10 July 2010


The Fabulous Russella got busy with a confessional in the shape of The Russella Show at east Londons Bistrotheque. The show itself charted Russella's beginnings as a bullied schoolboy, her brief stint at the local biscuit factory and a further voyage of discovery at dance school. Russella then went on to explore her drag persona as Xtina (a take on Christina Aguilera) and entered Jonny Woo's Tranny Lypsyinching on the very stage she performed on this evening!
The show itself consisted of inventive sketches, songs and film excerpts. Russella relived hysterical moments from her life... a chain smoking character from the biscuit factory, her take on Princess Diana and amazing dance routines!
Russella's early beginnings as a spotty child, she soon discovered a humourous streak to survival!

Life in the biscuit factory complete with a white noise drone soundtrack...

Finally a cameo role for o.a.p. tranny Jeannie Dee who after a song and some diatribe sportingly allowed Russella to do away with her in the store cupboard...